Design Services

Our MEP design consultancy adheres to a structured methodology grounded in two fundamental pillars: Design Services and Supervision with Project Management. Our approach is built on close collaboration with clients, guiding them through every phase of the project, from initial assessment to construction completion. This ensures a tailored and responsive approach to meet their specific requirements. Throughout our project development stages, our unwavering commitment lies in consistently delivering value, aligning our strategies closely with the individual needs of each client.

The MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) design methodology for MEP services involves several key stages to ensure a systematic and comprehensive approach. Here’s an elaboration on each stage:

At this initial stage, the focus is on reviewing and preparing the concept design and report in a comprehensive manner. This involves:

    • Conducting a thorough review of project requirements, client needs, and site conditions.
    • Generating a concept design that outlines the general layout and functionality of MEP systems.
    • Preparing a detailed report that summarizes the key design considerations and justifications for the proposed concept.

During the schematic design stage, the goal is to further refine the concept and initiate basic calculations. Key activities include:

    • Conducting basic calculations to determine preliminary sizing and requirements for MEP systems.
    • Providing advice on MEP requirements to be incorporated into architectural details.
    • Developing design guidelines that include the routing of major MEP equipment.
    • Collaborating with architects to integrate MEP components seamlessly into the overall building design.

In this stage, detailed coordination and collaboration with various disciplines, sub-consultants, and internal design sections take place. Activities include:

  • Liaising with architects, structural engineers, and other disciplines to ensure seamless integration of MEP systems.
  • Providing precise sizes for MEP components based on calculated figures.
  • Coordinating MEP systems to avoid clashes and conflicts.
  • Including general notes and details applicable to the installation of every element and aspect of MEP systems.
  • Preparing MEP specifications that outline materials, standards, and construction requirements.


This final stage involves preparing documents for construction and tendering. Key tasks include:

    • Issuing construction drawings that detail the final design of MEP systems.
    • Obtaining local authority approvals for the MEP design.
    • Finalizing MEP specifications for use in the tendering process.
    • Providing necessary documentation for tender action, including cost estimates and project timelines.
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